A skilled and highly trained workforce is a valuable asset of any successful business.

Training delivered in the workplace, enables learners to learn within the context of their workplace environment and are designed to fit around the employee’s and employer’s needs and objectives.

The courses are delivered by qualified facilitators with extensive industry experience to ensure that learning outcomes are integrated and embedded within existing policies and procedures, and are relevant to the desired performance outcomes of the employer.

Key Employee Benefits

  • Employees achieve a nationally accredited and recognised qualification.
  • Completion of training develops their careers while giving your business a highly skilled workforce and a competitive advantage
  • Training enables employees to take on greater responsibility
  • Increases employee creativity and innovation
  • Builds greater awareness of OHS issues and work practices

 Regardless of the size or type of an industry or business, training can have a measurable impact on performance and the bottom line.

 Key Employer Benefits;

  • Research shows that productivity increases while training takes place
  • Training increases staff retention which is a significant cost saving, as the loss of one competent person can be the equivalent of one year’s pay and benefits
  • Increase the quality and flexibility of a business’s services
  • Promotes and enhances good safety and work practices
  • Increases staff morale and job satisfaction